Wednesday 6 January 2016


Good to see you Young Entrepreneur.

I might not be a million dollar CEO of a company or have a worldwide customer base. But I know how to treat my customers well. Theoretically having good products and service's assures you of a loyal client who trusts your business and brand BUT what happens when that client needs some love? Some appreciation to say "thank you for being our client"

That is where you and your social media comes in, we all know that now'a days companies are taking a more social media approach on advertising and interaction. You should do the same, open a Facebook page, a twitter account or even a blog to bridge that gap between you and your clients because that small invoice is not enough.

Always remember that clients like to be told that they come first and as soon as you put that through to your client base you secure loyalty because they then become comfortable and that is when it paves your way into being flexible with what you provide because you are certain you have loyal clients who will in fact trust your intuition in your new approach of service.

Before you storm off and starting a facebook page or whatever, always keep in mind that your clients are not going to want to read long love letters, ideally they want something concise and meaningful. So as a start you could start of by having different template message's and what you do is send them as emails to your clients and all you simply do is "add a name" so for example:

Template message

Hello,Thank you for shopping with us. We hope to see you soon.

What you should do

*Goitseona Diale
Hello,Thank you for shopping with us. We hope to see you soon.

Did you see? Putting a name or directing directly to a specific client makes it a lot better. Because Physiologically having your name on something gives you the sense of entitlement and Young entrepreneur, if a customer has a sense of entitlement to be apart your business , I can guarantee you now RECOMMENDATIONS RECOMMENDATIONS.

*Mental note

Don't spam your client base with constant message's ,it's annoying. Do it periodically or when you have big sale's.

Success is there,I just need to guide you to it.

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